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     摘要: 道路工程术语标准        主编部门:中华人民共和国交通部  批准部门:中华人民共和国国家计划委员会  施行日期:1988年12月1日  关于发布《道路工程术语标准》的通知  计标〔1988〕493号      根据国家计委计综〔1985〕1号文的要求,由交通部会同有关部门共同编制的《道路工程术语标准》,已经有关部门会审。现批准《道路工程术语标准》GBJ124—88为国家标准,自1988年1...  阅读全文
posted @ 2006-05-22 15:34 我的翻译博客 阅读(3364) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏
     摘要: 国际工程招标说明书格式 全文 日期: 合同招标 一、中华人民共和国从世界银行申请获得贷款,用于支付_____项目的费用。部分贷款将用于支付工程建筑、____等各种合同。所有依世界银行指导原则具有资格的国家,都可参加招标。 二、中国__公司(以下简称A公司)邀请具有资格的投标者提供密封的标书,提供完成合同工程所需的劳力、材料、设备和服务。...  阅读全文
posted @ 2006-05-22 15:20 我的翻译博客 阅读(658) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2006-05-22 14:07 我的翻译博客 阅读(265) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏



都是利益驱使, 都是money惹得祸,
posted @ 2006-05-16 18:14 我的翻译博客 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2006-05-14 21:02 我的翻译博客 阅读(1598) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏


2000 字左右,经过一个月的训练,基本上一天可以翻译 5000 字。在论坛看到一些高手,中译英一天能译 1 万字,对我来说,简直不可想象,即使是打字,一天打上 1 万,那也是难以想象的。记得研时的毕业论文 5 万多字,编辑输入那可是花了整整一个月,呵,不可同日而语,有点意思。



如果要进一步提高翻译水平,仅英译中来说,要提高汉语水平,有些英文,看上去虽然知道意思,但是要真正转化成汉语,需要在头脑中有个加工的过程,然后转化为自己的话说出来,避免欧式中文,相对 chinglish 而言,那是 Enginese 。所以,当务之急,应找些表达标准的文章看看,以使语言锤炼、精确。有推荐“看《孙子兵法》,学它的凝练严密;看《文选》体会千古文章的风流;可以看《毛选》,领受它的雄辩大气。”。就语言方面来说,不无道理。







posted @ 2006-05-05 18:37 我的翻译博客 阅读(735) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏



我国证券市场现行的涨跌停板制度是 1996 12 13 日发布、 1996 12 26 日开始实施的。制度规定,除上市首日之外,股票(含 A、B股)、基金类证券在一个交易日内的交易价格相对上一交易日收市价格的涨跌幅度不得超过10%,超过涨跌限价的委托为无效委托。










六大机构资金: 一是证券投资基金。二是保险资金。三是社保基金,四是银行系基金。五是QFII资金。六是其他机构资金。主要有券商资金、信托资金、企业年金等。基金,保险,社保,QFII,年金,券商,

1300点是什么 ?是中国股市的一个噩梦,还是无数套牢股民的一个希望?它是滔天洪水中的诺亚方舟,还是一张即将倒下的多米诺骨牌?也许它什么都不是,它的一切意义不过是大家的想象而已。”这是一位名叫“绝对风云天下”的网友在新浪上的留言。












股票指数 即股票价格指数。表明股票行市变动情况的价格平均数。编制股票指数,通常以某年某月为基础,以这个基期的股票价格作为 100 用以后各时期的股票价格和基期价格比较,计算出升除的百分比,就是该时期的股票指数。投资者根据指数的升降,可以判断出股票价格的变动趋势。并且为了能实时的向投资者反映股市的动向,所有的股市几乎都是在股价变化的同时即时公布股票价格指数。

道·琼斯股票指数 是世界上历史最为悠久的股票指数,它的全称为股票价格平均数。它是在 1884 年由道·琼斯公司的创始人查理斯·道开始编制的。其最初的道·琼斯股票价格平均指数是根据 11 种具有代表性的铁路公司的股票,采用算术平均法进行计算编制而成,发表在查理斯·道自己编辑出版的《每日通讯》上。其计算公式为:
  股票价格平均数=入选股票的价格之和 / 入选股票的数量

目前,道·琼斯股票价格平均指数共分四组,第一组是工业股票价格平均指数。它由 30 种有代表性的大工商业公司的股票组成,且随经济发展而变大,大致可以反映美国整个工商业股票的价格水平,这也就是人们通常所引用的 道·琼斯工业股票价格平均数 。第二组是运输业股票价格平均指数。 第三组是公用事业股票价格平均指数,是由代表着美国公用事业的 1 5 家煤气公司和电力公司的股票所组成。第四组是平均价格综合指数。但现在通常引用的是第一组——工业股票价格平均指数。


  纽约证券交易所股票价格指数。这是由纽约证券交易所编制的股票价格指数。它起自 1966 6 月,先是普通股股票价格指数,后来改为混合指数,包括着在纽约证券交易所上市的 1500 家公司的 1570 种股票。具体计算方法是将这些股票按价格高低分开排列,分别计算工业股票、金融业股票、公用事业股票、运输业股票的价格指数,最大和最广泛的是工业股票价格指数,由 1093 种股票组成;

  香港恒生指数是香港股票市场上历史最久、影响最大的股票价格指数,由香港恒生银行于 1969 11 24 日开始发表。
  恒生股票价格指数包括从香港 500 多家上市公司中挑选出来的 33 家有代表性且经济实力雄厚的大公司股票作为成份股,分为四大类—— 4 种金融业股票、 6 种公用事业股票、 9 种地产业股票和 14 种其他工商业 ( 包括航空和酒店 ) 股票。

纳斯达克( NASDAQ 名为全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统, 1971 年才问世。它通过计算机网络将全国证券经纪商组织在一起,及时准确地向其提供场外交易行情。纳斯达克综合指数包括 4600 多种股票,主要由美国的数百家发展最快的先进技术、电信和生物公司组成,包括微软、英特尔、美国在线、雅虎这些家喻户晓的高科技公司,因而成为美国 新经济 的代名词。
posted @ 2006-04-21 13:21 我的翻译博客 阅读(462) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-04-19 16:06 我的翻译博客 阅读(1408) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
But of course, there are also the true mobile, wireless applications, ranging from the portable office to people walking around a store with a PDA doing inventory. At many busy airports, car rental return clerks work in the parking lot with wireless portable computers. They type in the license plate number of returning cars, and their portable, which has a built-in printer, calls the main computer, gets the rental information, and prints out the bill on the spot.

As wireless technology becomes more widespread, numerous other applications are likely to emerge. Let us take a quick look at some of the possibilities. Wireless parking meters have advantages for both users and city governments. The meters could accept credit or debit cards with instant verification over the wireless link. When a meter expires, it could check for the presence of a car (by bouncing a signal off it) and report the expiration to the police. It has been estimated that city governments in the U.S. alone could collect an additional $10 billion this way (Harte et al., 2000). Furthermore, better parking enforcement would help the environment, as drivers who knew their illegal parking was sure to be caught might use public transport instead.
随着无线技术的不断普及,许多其他方面的应用也在不断涌现。让我们来看看其中一些可能的应用。无线停车计时器,对用户和城市管理都能带来很多便利。通过无线连接,这种计时器可以接受信用卡或借记卡进行即时验证。当计时器超过设定的时间后,无线网络可以检测是否还停有汽车(通过回复信号),并报告警察汽车停车超时。据估计,仅美国的城市管理通过使用这种技术便能追加100亿美元的税收(Harte et al., 2000)。而且,更好的停车秩序有助于改善环境,比如,知道非法停车肯定被抓后,司机们反而可能使用公共交通工具出行。

Food, drink, and other vending machines are found everywhere. However, the food does not get into the machines by magic. Periodically, someone comes by with a truck to fill them. If the vending machines issued a wireless report once a day announcing their current inventories, the truck driver would know which machines needed servicing and how much of which product to bring. This information could lead to more efficient route planning. Of course, this information could be sent over a standard telephone line as well, but giving every vending machine a fixed telephone connection for one call a day is expensive on account of the fixed monthly charge.

Another area in which wireless could save money is utility meter reading. If electricity, gas, water, and other meters in people's homes were to report usage over a wireless network, there would be no need to send out meter readers. Similarly, wireless smoke detectors could call the fire department instead of making a big noise (which has little value if no one is home). As the cost of both the radio devices and the air time drops, more and more measurement and reporting will be done with wireless networks.

A whole different application area for wireless networks is the expected merger of cell phones and PDAs into tiny wireless computers. A first attempt was tiny wireless PDAs that could display stripped-down Web pages on their even tinier screens. This system, called WAP 1.0 (Wireless Application Protocol) failed, mostly due to the microscopic screens, low bandwidth, and poor service. But newer devices and services will be better with WAP 2.0.
无线网络的一个截然不同的应用领域是期待吸收手机和PDAs的优点应用到微型无线计算机的内部。最初的设想是,使微型无线PDAs在很微小的屏幕上显示简化后的网页。这个称为WAP 1.0 (Wireless Application Protocol无线应用协议)的系统没有实现这项功能,大部分是由于太微型的屏幕、较低的带宽及服务不当。但是,更新的WAP 2.0将提供更好设备和服务。
posted @ 2006-04-14 11:57 我的翻译博客 阅读(523) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-04-12 13:47 我的翻译博客 阅读(524) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2006-04-12 13:39 我的翻译博客 阅读(122) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
1.1.3 Mobile Users移动用户
Mobile computers, such as notebook computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs), are one of the fastest-growing segments of the computer industry. Many owners of these computers have desktop machines back at the office and want to be connected to their home base even when away from home or en route. Since having a wired connection is impossible in cars and airplanes, there is a lot of interest in wireless networks. In this section we will briefly look at some of the uses of wireless networks.
移动计算机,比如,笔记本电脑和PDAs(personal digital assistants 个人数字助理),是计算机产业中发展最快的部分之一。大多数这些计算机的所有者在办公室还有桌面电脑,他们希望不在家的时候能连上家里的机器,即使在远离家或在路上的时候也能连上。由于在汽车和飞机上,没有有线连接,这引起很多人对无线网络的兴趣。在这部分中,我们将简单来看看一些无线网络的使用。

Why would anyone want one? A common reason is the portable office. People on the road often want to use their portable electronic equipment to send and receive telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail, surf the Web, access remote files, and log on to remote machines. And they want to do this from anywhere on land, sea, or air. For example, at computer conferences these days, the organizers often set up a wireless network in the conference area. Anyone with a notebook computer and a wireless modem can just turn the computer on and be connected to the Internet, as though the computer were plugged into a wired network. Similarly, some universities have installed wireless networks on campus so students can sit under the trees and consult the library's card catalog or read their e-mail.

Wireless networks are of great value to fleets of trucks, taxis, delivery vehicles, and repairpersons for keeping in contact with home. For example, in many cities, taxi drivers are independent businessmen, rather than being employees of a taxi company. In some of these cities, the taxis have a display the driver can see. When a customer calls up, a central dispatcher types in the pickup and destination points. This information is displayed on the drivers' displays and a beep sounds. The first driver to hit a button on the display gets the call.

Wireless networks are also important to the military. If you have to be able to fight a war anywhere on earth on short notice, counting on using the local networking infrastructure is probably not a good idea. It is better to bring your own.

Although wireless networking and mobile computing are often related, they are not identical, as Fig. 1-5 shows. Here we see a distinction between fixed wireless and mobile wireless. Even notebook computers are sometimes wired. For example, if a traveler plugs a notebook computer into the telephone jack in a hotel room, he has mobility without a wireless network.
尽管无线网络和移动计算机通常联系在一起,但是他们并不相同,如图1-5所示。这里我们来看看固定无线(fixed wireless)与移动无线(mobile wireless)之间的区别。甚至笔记本电脑有时也通过有限网络来实现移动性。比如,一个外出旅行的人在宾馆房间内把笔记本电脑插入电话线的插孔里,这样即使没有无限网络也可以实现移动工作。
Figure 1-5. Combinations of wireless networks and mobile computing.无线网络与移动计算机之间的组合

On the other hand, some wireless computers are not mobile. An important example is a company that owns an older building lacking network cabling, and which wants to connect its computers. Installing a wireless network may require little more than buying a small box with some electronics, unpacking it, and plugging it in. This solution may be far cheaper than having workmen put in cable ducts to wire the building.
posted @ 2006-04-12 12:42 我的翻译博客 阅读(406) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
Other communication-oriented applications include using the Internet to carry telephone calls, video phone, and Internet radio, three rapidly growing areas. Another application is telelearning, meaning attending 8 A.M. classes without the inconvenience of having to get out of bed first. In the long run, the use of networks to enhance human-to-human communication may prove more important than any of the others.

Our third category is entertainment, which is a huge and growing industry. The killer application here (the one that may drive all the rest) is video on demand. A decade or so hence, it may be possible to select any movie or television program ever made, in any country, and have it displayed on your screen instantly. New films may become interactive, where the user is occasionally prompted for the story direction (should Macbeth murder Duncan or just bide his time?) with alternative scenarios provided for all cases. Live television may also become interactive, with the audience participating in quiz shows, choosing among contestants, and so on.
计算机网络应用的第三类是娱乐,这是一个巨大且在不断发展的产业。这里的杀手级应用(killer application ,驱动所有其他应用的关键应用)是视频点播。今后十年左右,有可能你可以在任何一个国家,选择曾经放过的电影或电视,立即在自己的屏幕上播放。新的电影有可能发展成交互式的,用户有时可以偶尔提示一下故事的走向( Macbeth 是否该谋杀Duncan?还是等待时机?),电影为各种可能的情节提供了场景。直播电视也可能发展成交互式的,观众可以参与智力节目,在参与者中选择竞争对手,等等。

On the other hand, maybe the killer application will not be video on demand. Maybe it will be game playing. Already we have multiperson real-time simulation games, like hide-and-seek in a virtual dungeon, and flight simulators with the players on one team trying to shoot down the players on the opposing team. If games are played with goggles and three-dimensional real-time, photographic-quality moving images, we have a kind of worldwide shared virtual reality.

Our fourth category is electronic commerce in the broadest sense of the term. Home shopping is already popular and enables users to inspect the on-line catalogs of thousands of companies. Some of these catalogs will soon provide the ability to get an instant video on any product by just clicking on the product's name. After the customer buys a product electronically but cannot figure out how to use it, on-line technical support may be consulted.

Another area in which e-commerce is already happening is access to financial institutions. Many people already pay their bills, manage their bank accounts, and handle their investments electronically. This will surely grow as networks become more secure.

One area that virtually nobody foresaw is electronic flea markets (e-flea?). On-line auctions of second-hand goods have become a massive industry. Unlike traditional e-commerce, which follows the client-server model, on-line auctions are more of a peer-to-peer system, sort of consumer-to-consumer. Some of these forms of e-commerce have acquired cute little tags based on the fact that ''to'' and ''2'' are pronounced the same. The most popular ones are listed in Fig. 1-4.

No doubt the range of uses of computer networks will grow rapidly in the future, and probably in ways no one can now foresee. After all, how many people in 1990 predicted that teenagers tediously typing short text messages on mobile phones while riding buses would be an immense money maker for telephone companies in 10 years? But short message service is very profitable.

Computer networks may become hugely important to people who are geographically challenged, giving them the same access to services as people living in the middle of a big city. Telelearning may radically affect education; universities may go national or international. Telemedicine is only now starting to catch on (e.g., remote patient monitoring) but may become much more important. But the killer application may be something mundane, like using the webcam in your refrigerator to see if you have to buy milk on the way home from work.
posted @ 2006-04-12 12:41 我的翻译博客 阅读(408) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Peer-to-peer communication really hit the big time around 2000 with a service called Napster, which at its peak had over 50 million music fans swapping music, in what was probably the biggest copyright infringement in all of recorded history (Lam and Tan, 2001; and Macedonia, 2000). The idea was fairly simple. Members registered the music they had on their hard disks in a central database maintained on the Napster server. If a member wanted a song, he checked the database to see who had it and went directly there to get it. By not actually keeping any music on its machines, Napster argued that it was not infringing anyone's copyright. The courts did not agree and shut it down.
对等通信真正引起人们关注的是在2000年的时候,当时一个称为“Napster”服务在頂峰时刻有超过5千万的音乐迷在交换音乐。这也许是有历史记载(Lam and Tan, 2001; and Macedonia, 2000)以来最大的侵权事件。这种交换音乐的思路非常简单,成员们把他们硬盘上的音乐注册到一个中心数据库,这个数据库存在Napster的服务器上。如果成员想听一首歌,他可以查找数据库看谁有这首歌,然后直接去那儿下载。由于事实上Napster的机器并没有保存音乐在,所以他们认为并没有侵犯任何人的版权。但法院不接受这种说法,最终还是关掉了Napster。

However, the next generation of peer-to-peer systems eliminates the central database by having each user maintain his own database locally, as well as providing a list of other nearby people who are members of the system. A new user can then go to any existing member to see what he has and get a list of other members to inspect for more music and more names. This lookup process can be repeated indefinitely to build up a large local database of what is out there. It is an activity that would get tedious for people but is one at which computers excel.

Legal applications for peer-to-peer communication also exist. For example, fans sharing public domain music or sample tracks that new bands have released for publicity purposes, families sharing photos, movies, and genealogical information, and teenagers playing multiperson on-line games. In fact, one of the most popular Internet applications of all, e-mail, is inherently peer-to-peer. This form of communication is expected to grow considerably in the future.

Electronic crime is not restricted to copyright law. Another hot area is electronic gambling. Computers have been simulating things for decades. Why not simulate slot machines, roulette wheels, blackjack dealers, and more gambling equipment? Well, because it is illegal in a lot of places. The trouble is, gambling is legal in a lot of other places (England, for example) and casino owners there have grasped the potential for Internet gambling. What happens if the gambler and the casino are in different countries, with conflicting laws? Good question.

posted @ 2006-04-12 12:39 我的翻译博客 阅读(321) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏
Worldwide newsgroups, with discussions on everyconceivable topic, are already commonplace among a select group of people, and this phenomenon will grow to include the population at large.


posted @ 2006-04-10 15:09 我的翻译博客 阅读(424) | 评论 (5)编辑 收藏
共6页: 1 2 3 4 5 6