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An ODS can be considered as a table, which means it is different from a Cube, it has only 2 dimensions.

Take an standard ODs from Business Content as an instance: 0CCA_O09 - Cost Center Actuals

1. Settings:

    BEx Reporting - select if you want to report on it;
    Unique data records - select if you do not want loada data record into the ODS object if the key combination already exists; usually not to select it;
    Set quality status to 'OK' automatically;
    Activate ODS object data automatically;
    Update data target from ODS object automatically;

2.  Key Fields:
     Controlling Area
     CO Document Number
     Line item of CO Document
     Currency Type
     Key figure Type
     Value type for reporting
     Fiscal year variant

3. Data Fields:
    The rest of Char and Key Figures (Key figures are Cumulative Values)

posted on 2007-11-21 19:46 Jonathan Ji 阅读(685) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: SAP BW

# re: A Standard ODS 2007-12-06 18:01 | Louis Lu
Now in BI 7.0, ODS has been renamed to DSO. But the concept is the same. But some have some difference between ods and dso  回复  更多评论