
Posted on 2005-12-19 09:29 Raistlin 阅读(516) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: methodology
 最近为lp写了一个文本选择(学生评语选择)的程序,没解决什么问题,却带来了不少问题:1,一堆bug 2,虽然提供了定制,但不直观,用起来"很麻烦" 3,用户环境的一些问题比如写的权限等Word版本等。 偶lp对计算机不怎么感兴趣对这个程序的兴趣也就是能方便的用。每次问她这个该怎么那个该怎么都没得到想要的答案。最近看了篇文章觉得很有趣:
 Trying to get a user to decide between a tree control, a list control, or a group bar is like trying to get a 2 year old to pick what career he wants to take when he/she grows up. It's not that they aren't smart or don't understand their needs, but the question is beyond their scope of understanding.
 想要让一个用户在树型控件、列表控件和group bar中做出选择,就像要求一个2岁的孩子决定他/她长大后得哪种癌症一样。不是因为他们不够聪明或者他们不知道自己的需求,这种问题超出了他们能理解的范畴。
 Somehow, when most applications are designed a process is followed that inevitably leads to one or more nice and neat application programs. These may be Windows GUI applications, web apps, or whatever, but the scientist in us developers likes to see straight lines and nice and neat boundaries between systems with well defined lines of intersection, union or whatever.

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