

Louisiana officials say the risks come not just from oil, but from chemical dispersants being sprayed in the water. Officials say seafood(海鲜) on the market is safe. Environmental scientist Jeff Dauzat says officials are testing fish from across the state.

"And right now we're sampling mostly for hydrocarbons and other bacteria, but what we would like is expand into some other chemical compounds that may be contained within the dispersants."

Oil spill or not, Louisianans say they will not give up seafood. Hundreds came to a recent seafood festival in Belle Chasse.

Grilled oysters(烤牡蛎) are another local favorite. But local oyster(牡蛎) and shrimp(虾) production has been hit hardest by fishing closures due to the spill. Some fear that supplies will begin to run low, causing prices to jump.

Ray Oelking is selling soup made with crawfish(小龙虾), a freshwater species that is unaffected by the spill so far.

"Mostly it is going to be the other products, everything else around is going to go up, the shrimp, the crab(蟹), the oysters, things like that."

Many at the festival say it is more important than ever to support the local seafood industry. Debra Bychurch says the spill is threatening the region's way of life.

"Oyster fishermen and the shrimpers that have lived here for ever. I mean, you know, it's such a huge part of our culture, and a huge part of our income as well."

BP is promising to pay compensation to those affected. Some residents fear no payment can undo the damage.

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