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EISA POST Codes are typically output to port address 30h

ISA POST Codes are typically putput to port address 80h

AWARD Test Sequence up to Version 4.2:

CPU BIOS sets, verifies and resets the error flags in the CPU.  Failure here is normally due to the CPU or system clock
POST Determination BIOS determines whether the motherboard is set for normal operation or a continuous loop of POST.  If the POST test is cycled 1-5 times over and over either the jumper for this function is set to burn=in or the circuitry involved has failed
Keyboard Controller BIOS tests the internal operations of the keyboard controller chip (8042).   Failure here is normally due to the keyboard chip
Burn In Status 1-5 will repeat if the motherboard is set to burn in.  If you haven't set the motherboard for burn-in mode, there is a short in the circuitry
Initialize Chipset BIOS clears all DMA registers and CMOS status bytes 0E and 0F.  BIOS then initializes 8254 timer,  Failure of this test is probably due to the timer chip
CPU A bit-pattern is used to verify the functioning of the CPU registers.  Failure here is normally down to the CPU or clock chip
RTC BIOS verifies that the real time clock is updating CMOS at normal intervals.  Failure is normally the CMOS/RTC or the battery
ROM BIOS Checksum BIOS performs a checksum of itself against a predetermined value that will equal 00.  Failure is down to the ROM BIOS
Initialize Video BIOS tests and initializes the video controller.  Failure is normally the video controller (6845) or an improper setting of the motherboard or CMOS
PIT BIOS tests the functionality of channels 0, 1, and 2 in sequence.  Failure is normally the PIT chip (8254/53)
CMOS Status Walking bit pattern tests CMOS shutdown status byte 0F.  Failure normally in CMOS
Extended CMOS BIOS checks for any extended information of the chipset and stores it in the extended RAM area.  Failure is normally due to invalid information and can be corrected by setting CMOS defaults.  Further failure indicates either the chipset or the CMOS RAM
DMA Channels 0 and 1 are tested together with the page registers of the DMA controller chip (8237).  Failure is normally due to the DMA chips
Keyboard The 8042 keyboard controller is tested for functionality and for proper interfacing functions.  Failure is normally due to the 8042 chip
Refresh Memory refresh is tested; the standard with walking - bit patterns.  Failure is normally the PIT chip in AT's or the DMA chip in AT's
Memory The first 64K of memory is tested with walking bit patterns.  Failure is normally due to the first bank of ram or a data line
Interrupt Vectors The BIOS interrupt vectors table is loaded to the first bank of RAM.  Failure here is not likely since memory in the area has been tested.  If failure does occur suspect the BIOS or RTC
Video ROM Video ROM is initialized which performs an internal diagnostic before returning control to the system BIOS.  Failure is normally the video adapter or the BIOS
Video Memory This is tested with a bit pattern.   This is bypassed if there is a ROM on the video adapter.  Failure is normally down to the memory on the adapter
PIC The functionality of the interrupt controller chip(s) is tested (8259).  Failure is normally due to the 8259 chips but may be the clock
CMOS Battery BIOS verifies that CMOS byte 0D is set which indicates the CMOS battery power.  Suspect the battery first and the CMOS second
CMOS Checksum A checksum is performed on the CMOS.   Failure is either incorrect setup, the CMOS chip or battery.  If the test is passed, the information is used to configure the system
Determine System Memory Memory up to 640K is addressed in 64K blocks.  Failure is normally due to an address line or DMA chip.  If all the memory is not found there is a bad RAM chip or address line in the 64K block above the amount found
Memory Test Tests are performed on any memory found and there will normally be a message with the hex address of any failing bit displayed at the end of boot
PIC Further testing is done on the 8259 chips
CPU Protected Mode The processor is placed in protected mode and back into real mode; the 8042 is used for this.  In case of failure suspect the 8042, CPU, CMOS, or the BIOS in that order
Determine Extended Memory Memory above 1MB is addressed in 64K blocks.  The entire block will be inactive if there is a bad RAM chip on a block
Test Extended Memory Extended memory is tested with a series of patterns.  Failure is normally down to a RAM chip, and the hex address of the failed bit should be displayed
Unexpected Exceptions BIOS checks for unexpected exceptions in protected mode.  Failure is likely to be a TSR or intermittent RAM failure
Shadow Cache Shadow RAM and cache are activated.   Failure may be due to the cache controller or chips.  Check the CMOS first for invalid information
8242 Detection BIOS checks for an Intel 8242 keyboard controller and initializes it if found.  Failure may be due to an improper jumper setting or the 8242
Initialize Keyboard Failure could be the keyboard or controller
Initialize floppy All those set in the CMOS.  Failure could be incorrect CMOS setup or floppy controller or the drive
Detect Serial Ports BIOS searches for and initializes up to four serial ports at 3F8, 2F8, 3E8, and 2E8.  Detection failure is normally due to an incorrect jumper setting somewhere or an adapter failure
Detect Parallel Ports BIOS searches for and initializes up to four parallel ports at 378, 278, 3BC, and 2BC.  Detection failure is normally due to an incorrect jumper setting somewhere or an adapter failure
Initialize Hard Drive BIOS initializes any hard drive(s) set in the CMOS.  Failure could be due to invalid CMOS setup, hard drive or controller failure
Detect NPU Coprocessor Initialization of any NPU coprocessor found.  failure is due either to invalid CMOS setup or the NPU is failing
Initialize Adapter ROM Any Adapter ROM's between C800 and EFFF are initialized.  The ROM will do an internal test before giving back control to the system ROM.  Failure is normally due to the adapter ROM or the attached hardware
Initialize External Cache Any external cache to the 486 is enabled.  Failure would indicates invalid CMOS setup, cache controller or chip failure
NMI Unexpected Exceptions A final check for unexpected exceptions before giving control to the Int 19 boot loader.  Failure is normally due to a memory parity error or an adapter failure
Boot Errors Failure when the BIOS attempts to boot off the default drive set in CMOS is normally due to invalid CMOS drive setup or as given by an error message.  If the system hangs there is an error in the Master Boot Record or the Volume Boot Record

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AWARD Test Sequence after version 4.2:

CPU BIOS sets, verifies and resets the error flags in the CPU then performs a register test by writing and reading bit patterns.   Failure is normally due to the CPU or clock chip
Initialize Support Chips Video is disabled as is parity, DMA and NMI.  Then the PIT, PIC, and DMA chips are initialized.  Failure is normally the DMA or PIT chips
Initialize Keyboard Keyboard and controller are initialized
ROM BIOS Test A checksum is performed by the ROM BIOS on the data within itself and is compared to a preset value of 00.  Failure is normally due tot he ROM BIOS
CMOS Test A test of the CMOS chip which should also detect a bad battery.  Failure is due to either the CMOS chip or the battery
Memory Test First 356K of memory tested with any routines in the chipsets.  Failure is normally due to defective memory
Cache Initialization Any external cache to the chipset in activated.  Failure is normally due to the cache controller or chips
Initialize Vector Table Interrupt vectors are initialized and the interrupt table is installed into low memory.  Failure is normally due to the BIOS or low memory
CMOS RAM CMOS RAM checksum tested and BIOS defaults loaded if invalid.  Failure would indicate CMOS RAM failure
Keyboard Initialization Keyboard initialized and Num Lock set on.  Check the keyboard or controller is a failure occurs
Video Test Video adapter tested and initialized
Video Memory Tested for Mono and CGA adapters.   Failure could be the adapter card
DMA Test DMA controllers and page registers are tested.  Failure could indicate bad DMA chips
PIC Tests 8259 PIC chips are tested.  Failure would indicate a bad PIC
EISA Mode Test A checksum is performed on the extended data area of CMOS where EISA information is stored.  If passed the EISA adapter is initialized
Enable Slots Slots 0-15 doe EISA adapters are enabled if the above test is passed
Memory Size Memory addresses above 256K written in 64K blocks and addresses found are initialized.  If a bit is bad, the entire block containing it and those above will not be seen
Memory Test Read and write tests are performed on memory above 256K.  Failure is due to bad bit in RAM
EISA Memory Memory tests on any adapters initialize previously.  Check the memory chips if a failure occurs
Mouse Initialization Checks for a mouse and installs the appropriate interrupt vectors if one is found.  Check the mouse adapter if a failure occurs
Cache Initialized The cache controller is initialized if present
Shadow RAM Setup Any Shadow RAM present according to the CMOS is enabled
Floppy Test Test and initialize floppy controller and drive
Hard Drive Test Test and initialize hard disk controller and drive.  You may have an improper setup or a bad controller/hard drive if a failure occurs
Serial and Parallel Ports Amy serial and parallel ports are found and initialized
Math Coprocessor The coprocessor is initialized if found.   Check the CMOS setup or the math coprocessor if a failure occurs
Boot Speed Set the default speed at which the computer boots
POST Loop Reboot occurs if the loop pin is set for manufacturing purposes
Security Ask for a password if one has been set in the CMOS.
Write CMOS The BIOS is waiting to write the CMOS values from Setup to CMOS RAM.  Failure is normally due to an invalid CMOS configuration
Pre-Boot The BIOS is waiting to to write the CMOS values from Setup to CMOS RAM
Adapter ROM Initialization Adapter ROM's between C800 and EFFF are Initialized.  The ROM will do an internal test before giving back control to the system ROM.  Failure is normally due to the adapter ROM or the adapter card
Setup Time Set CMOS time to the value located at 40h of the BIOS data area
Boot System Control is given to Int 19 boot loader

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AWARD BIOS Text Error Messages:

BIOS ROM checksum error - System halted The checksum of the BIOS code in the BIOS chip is incorrect, indicating the BIOS code may have become corrupt.  Replace the BIOS
CMOS battery failed CMOS battery is no longer functional.   Replace the battery
CMOS checksum error - Defaults loaded Checksum of CMOS is incorrect, so the system loads the default values.  A checksum error may indicate that CMOS has become corrupt.  This error might have been caused by a weak battery
CMOS CHECKSUM ERROR DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER Checksum of CMOS is incorrect.    This can indicate that CMOS has become corrupt.  This error may have been caused by a weak CMOS battery
CPU at nnn Displays the running speed of the CPU
DISKETTE DRIVES OR TYPES MISMATCH ERROR - RUN SETUP Type of diskette drive installed in the system is different from the CMOS definition.  Run Setup to reconfigure the drive type correctly
Display switch is set incorrectly The display switch on the motherboard can be set to either monochrome or color.  This message indicates the switch is set to a different setting than indicated in Setup.  Determine which setting is correct and then either turn off the system and change the jumper or enter Setup and change the video selector
DISPLAY TYPE HAS CHANGED SINCE LAST BOOT Since last powering off the system, the display adapter has been changed.  You must configure the system for the new display type
EISA Configuration Checksum Error The EISA nonvolatile RAM checksum is incorrect or cannot correctly read the EISA slot.  This can indicate either the EISA nonvolatile memory has become corrupted or the slot has been configured incorrectly.   Also, be sure the card in installed firmly in the slot
EISA Configuration Is Not Complete The slot configuration information stored in the EISA nonvolatile memory is incomplete
ERROR ENCOUNTERED INITIALIZING HARD DRIVE Hard drive cannot be initialized.   Be sure the adapter is installed correctly and all cables are correctly and firmly attached.  Also be sure the correct hard drive type is selected in Setup
ERROR INITIALIZING HARD DISK CONTROLLER Cannot initialize controller.  Make sure the card is correctly and firmly installed in the bus.  Be sure the correct hard drive type is installed in Setup.  Also check to see if any jumper needs to be set correctly on the hard drive
FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER ERROR OR NO CONTROLLER PRESENT Cannot find or initialize the floppy disk controller.  make sure the controller is installed correctly and firmly.   If there are no floppy drives installed, be sure the Diskette Drive selection in Setup is set to None
Floppy disk(s) fail Cannot find or initialize the floppy drive controller or the drive.  make sure the controller is installed correctly.   If no floppy drives are installed, be sure the Diskette Drive selection in Setup is set to None or Auto
HARD DISK initializing Please wait for a moment... Some hard drives require some extra time to initialize
HARD DISK INSTALL FAILURE Cannot find or initialize the hard drive controller or the drive.  Make sure the controller is installed correctly.  If no hard drives are installed, be sure the Hard Drive selection in Setup is set to None
Hard disk(s) diagnosis fail The system may run specific disk diagnostic routines.  this message appears if one or more hard disks return an error when the diagnostics run
Invalid EISA Configuration The nonvolatile memory containing EISA configuration information was programmed incorrectly or has become corrupt.  Rerun EISA configuration utility to correctly program the memory
Keyboard error or no keyboard present Cannot initialize the keyboard.   Make sure the keyboard is attached correctly and no keys are being pressed during the boot.  If you are purposely configuring the system without a keyboard, set the error halt condition in Setup to HALT ON ALL, BUT KEYBOARD.  This will cause the BIOS to ignore the missing keyboard and continue the boot
Keyboard is locked out - Unlock the key This message usually indicates that one or more keys have been pressed during the keyboard tests.  Be sure no objects are resting on the keyboard
Memory Address Error at... Indicates a memory address error at a specific location.  You can use this location along with the memory map for your system to find and replace the bad memory chips
Memory parity Error at... Indicates a memory parity error at a specific location.  You can use this location along with the memory map for your system to find and replace the bad memory chips.
MEMORY SIZE HAS CHANGED SINCE LAST BOOT Memory has been added or removed since the last boot.  In EISA mode, use configuration utility to reconfigure the memory configuration.  In ISA mode,enter Setup and enter the new memory size in the memory field
Memory Test The message displays during a full memory test, counting down the memory areas being tested
Memory Test Fail If POST detects an error during memory testing, additional information appears giving specifics about the type and location of the memory error
Memory Verify Error at... Indicates an error verifying a value already written to memory.  Use the location along with your system's memory map to locate the bad chip
No boot device was found This could mean that either a boot device was not detected or the drive does not contain proper system boot files.   Insert a system disk into drive A: and press Enter.  If you assumed the system would boot from the hard drive, make sure the controller is inserted correctly and all cables are properly attached.  Also be sure the disk is formatted as a boot device.   Then reboot the system
OFFENDING ADDRESS NOT FOUND The message is used in conjunction with the I/O CHANNEL CHECK and RAM PARITY ERROR messages when the segment that has caused the problem cannot be isolated
OFFENDING SEGMENT: This message is used in conjunction with the I/O CHANNEL CHECK and RAM PARITY ERROR messages when the segment that has caused the problem has been isolated
Override enabled - Defaults loaded If the system cannot boot using the current CMOS configuration, the BIOS can override the current configuration with a set of BIOS defaults designed for the most stable, minimal-performance system operations
PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT This will be displayed at the bottom of the screen when an error occurs that requires you to reboot.  Press any key to reboot the system
Press ESC to skip memory test You can press ESC to skip the full memory test
PRESS F1 TO DISABLE NMI, F2 TO REBOOT When BIOS detects a non-maskable interrupt condition during boot, this will allow you to disable the NMI and continue to boot; or you can reboot the system with the NMI enabled
Press TAB to show POST screen System OEM's may replace the Award BIOS POST display with their own proprietary display.  Including this message in the OEM display permits the operator to switch between the OEM display
Primary master hard disk fail POST detects an error in the primary master IDE hard drive
Primary slave hard disk fail POST detects an error in the secondary master IDE hard drive
RAM PARITY ERROR - CHECKING FOR SEGMENT... Indicates a parity error in RAM
Resuming from disk, Press TAB to show POST screen Award offers a save-a-disk feature for notebook computers.  This message may appear when the operator restarts the system after a save-to-disk shutdown.  See the Press Tab...message earlier for a description of this feature
Secondary master hard disk fail POST detects an error in the secondary master IDE hard drive
Secondary slave hard disk fail POST detects an error in the secondary slave IDE hard drive
Should Be Empty But EISA Board Found A valid board ID was found in a slot that was configured as having no board ID
Should Have EISA Board But Not Found The board installed is not responding to the ID request, or no board ID has been found in the indicated slot
Slot Not Empty Indicates that a slot designated as empty by the EISA configuration utility actually contains a board
SYSTEM HALTED. (CTRL-ALT-DEL) TO REBOOT... Indicates the present boot attempt has been aborted and the system must be rebooted.  Press and hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and press Del
Wrong Board In Slot The board ID does not match the ID stored in the EISA nonvolatile memory

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AWARD BIOS (Original XT):

03 Flag resister test
06 CPU register test
09 System hardware initialization
0C BIOS checksum
0F DMA page register initialization
12 Test DMA address and count registers
15 DMA initialization
18 Timer test
1B Timer initialization
1E Start RAM initialization
21 Test base 64K of RAM
24 Setup init. and temp stack
27 Initialize PIC
2A Interrupt mask register test
2D Hot interrupt test
30 V40 DMA if present
33 Verify system clock initialization
36 Keyboard test
39 Setup interrupt table
3C Read system configuration switches
3F Video test
42 Serial port determination
45 Parallel port determination
48 Game port determination
4B Copyright message display
4E Calculation of CPU speed
54 Test of system memory
55 Floppy drive test
57 System initialized before boot
5A Call to Int 19

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AWARD XT Version 3.1 BIOS:

01 Processor test fail; Processor status verification #1
02 Type of POST/keyboard buffer; Failed if the keyboard interface buffer is filled with data
06 Initialize 6845 video controller, 8237 DMA controller, 8259 PIC, 8253 timer channel channel 1 initialized; Reset math coprocessor; Disable color and mono video, parity circuits and DMA chips; Clear DMA chips and page registers
07 Process registers except SS, SP, BP with data patterns 00 and FF; Processor status verification #2
09 ROM checksum for 32K tested
0A Initialize the 6845 video controller
15 Test first 64K of system memory
16 Set up interrupt table in first 64K
17 Set up video I/O operations
18 Test video memory
19 8259 mask bits-channel 1
1A 8259 mask bits-channel 2
1D Setup configuration byte from CMOS
1E Size memory and compare with CMOS
1F Test base memory; Test found system memory
20 Test stuck 8259's Interrupt bits
21 Test stuck NMI parity I/O bits
22 8259 Interrupt functionality tested
2A Keyboard initialized
2B Floppy dive controller and drive initialized
2C Initialize COM ports
2D Initialize LPT ports
2F Initialize math coprocessor
31 Initialize option ROM's
FF Int. 19 boot attempt

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AWARD Version 3.3 BIOS:

01-05 Keyboard controller 8042 tested
06 On-board LSI initialized
07 CPU flags tested
08 Calculate CMOS checksum
09 Initialize the 8254 PIT
0A 8254 PIC tested
0B DMA controller tested
0C 8259 PIC initialized
0D 8259 PIC tested
0E ROM BIOS checksum tested
0F Extended CMOS tested
10 8259 PIC tested
11 8259 PIC tested
12 8259 PIC tested
13 8259 PIC tested
14 8259 PIC tested
15 First 64K RAM tested
16 Interrupt vector tables initialized
17 Video initialization
18 Video memory tested
19 Interrupt line mask 8259 PIC tested
1A Interrupt line mask 8259 PIC tested
1B Battery good
1C CMOS checksum verified
1D CMOS chip/RTC verified
1E Memory size checked
1F Memory verified
20 DMA initialized
21 PIC initialized
22 PIT initialized
24 Extended memory size checked
25 Extended memory tested
26 Protected mode entered
27 Shadow RAM, cache controller initialized
28 Shadow RAM, cache controller tested
29 Reserved
2A Initialize keyboard
2B Floppy drive initialization
2C Serial port initialization
2D Parallel port initialization
2E Hard disk initialization
2F Math coprocessor
30 Reserved
31 Optional ROM's checked for
FF Boot from Int 19

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01 CPU flags
02 CPU registers
03 Initialize DMA, PIC, PIT
04 Memory refresh
05 Keyboard initialization
06 ROM checksum
07 CMOS, battery
08 256K memory
09 Cache
0A Set Interrupt table
0B CMOS checksum
0C Keyboard initialization
0D Video adapter
0E Video memory
0F DMA channel 0
10 DMA channel 1
11 DMA page register
14 Timer chip
15 PIC controller 1
16 PIC controller 0
17 PIC stuck bits
18 PIC maskable IRQ's
19 NMI bit check
20 Slot 0
21 Slot 1
22 Slot 2
23 Slot 3
24 Slot 4
25 Slot 5
26 Slot 6
27 Slot 7
28 Slot 8
29 Slot 9
2A Slot 10
2B Slot 11
2C Slot 12
2D Slot 13
2E Slot 14
2F Slot 15
30 Memory size 256K
31 Memory test over 256K
32 EISA memory
3C CMOS setup
3D Mouse/adapter, CMOS
3E Cache RAM
3F Shadow RAM
41 Floppy drive
42 Hard drive
43 RS232 parallel
45 NPU
47 Speed
4E Manufacturing loop
4F Security
50 CMOS update
51 Enable NMI, cache
52 Adapter ROM's
53 Set time
60 Virus protection setup
61 Boot speed
62 Numlock setup
63 Boot
B0 NMI in protected
B1 Disable NMI
BE Chipset default initialization
BF Chipset program
C0 Cache on/off
C1 Memory size
C2 Base 256K test
C3 DRAM page select
C4 Video switch
C5 Shadow RAM
C6 Cache program
C8 Speed switch
C9 Shadow RAM
CA OEM chipset
FF Boot

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01 CPU flags tested; Processor test #1
02 CPU registers tested; Processor test #2; Verify all CPU registers except SS, SP, BP with data patterns 00 and FF
03 Initialize DMA, PIC, PIT; Calculate BIOS EPROM and sign on message checksum (fail if not 0)
04 Memory refresh initialized; Test CMOS RAM interface
05 Keyboard initialization; Initialize NMI, PIE, AIE, UEI, SQWV; Disable video, parity checking and DMA; Math coprocessor reset; Clear all page registers and CMOS RAM shutdown byte; Initialize timers 0, 1, 2 and set EISA timer to a known state; Initialize DMA controllers 0 and 1; Initialize interrupt controllers 0 and 1; Initialize EISA extended registers
06 ROM checksum; Memory refresh tested
07 Low memory setup; Initialize chipset and test the presence of memory; OEM chipset initialization; Lower 256K of memory cleared; Enable parity checking and test parity in lower 256K memory
08 Setup Interrupt vector table; Initialize the first 120 Interrupt vectors with SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR and initialize INT 00-1F according to INT_TBL
09 Cache; CMOS checksum tested
0A Set interrupt table; Initialize keyboard; Detect keyboard controller
0B CMOS checksum; Video interface initialized
0C Keyboard initialization; Video memory tested
0D Video adapter initialized; OEM specific initializations
0E Reserved
0F DMA channel 0 tested with AA, 55, FF, 00 bit patterns
10 DMA channel 1 tested with AA, 55, FF, 00 bit patterns
11 DMA page register tested
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14 Timer chip 8254 PIT timer 0 counter 2 tested
15 Verify 8259 PIC channel 1
16 Verify 8259 PIC channel 2
17 8259 PIC stuck bits tested; Turn Interrupt bits off and verify  no Interrupt mask register is on
18 8259 PIC maskable IRQ's tested
19 NMI bit check tested and parity I/O checked
1A Reserved
1B Reserved
1C Reserved
1D Reserved
1E Reserved
1F CMOS XRAM checked for
20 Slot 0 EISA initialized and enabled
21 Slot 1 EISA initialized and enabled
22 Slot 2 EISA initialized and enabled
23 Slot 3 EISA initialized and enabled
24 Slot 4 EISA initialized and enabled
25 Slot 5 EISA initialized and enabled
26 Slot 6 EISA initialized and enabled
27 Slot 7 EISA initialized and enabled
28 Slot 8 EISA initialized and enabled
29 Slot 9 EISA initialized and enabled
2A Slot 10 EISA initialized and enabled
2B Slot 11 EISA initialized and enabled
2C Slot 12 EISA initialized and enabled
2D Slot 13 EISA initialized and enabled
2E Slot 14 EISA initialized and enabled
2F Slot 15 EISA initialized and enabled
30 Memory size below 256K
31 Memory test over 256K
32 EISA memory tested found during slot initialization
3C CMOS setup; Enter protected mode
3D Mouse/adapter, CMOS
3E Cache RAM
3F Shadow RAM
41 Initialize floppy drive
42 Initialize hard drive
43 RS232 parallel
45 NPU
47 Speed for boot set
4E Manufacturing loop; display any soft errors
4F Security; ask for password if security is enabled
50 CMOS update
51 Enable NMI, cache memory
52 Adapter ROM's from C8000h to EFFFFH or F7FFFh initialized
53 Set time value for address 40 of BIOS
60 Virus protection setup
61 Boot speed
62 Numlock setup
63 Boot from Int 19
B0 NMI in protected
B1 Disable NMI
BE Chipset default initialization
BF Chipset program; initialization of system specific chipsets
C0 Cache on/off
C1 Memory size checked
C2 Base 256K tested
C3 DRAM page select tested
C4 Video switch
C5 Shadow RAM tested
C6 Cache program; configure cache memory
C8 Speed switch
C9 Shadow RAM tested
CA OEM chipset initialized
FF Boot from Int 19

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01 Reserved
02 Reserved
03 Initialize EISA registers (EISA BIOS only)
04 Reserved
05 Keyboard controller self-tested
06 Reserved
07 Verify CMOS Read/Write
09 OEM specific initialization; Configure Cyrix CPU register
0A Issue CPU ID instruction; Initialize the first 32 interrupt vectors, initialize Int.'s 33 to 120, power management initialization
0B PnP initialization; verify the RTC time, detect bad battery, read the CMOS data into the BIOS stack area, assign I/O and memory for any PCI devices
0C Initialization of BIOS data area
0D Program some of chipset's value; Measure the CPU for display, initialize the video
0E Initialize APIC (multiprocessor BIOS only); Show startup screen message
0F DMA channel 0 tested
10 DMA channel 1 tested
11 DMA page registers tested
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14 Test 8254 0 counter 2
15 Test 8259 interrupt mask bit for channel 1
16 Test 8259 interrupt mask bit for channel 2
17 Reserved
19 Test 8259 functionality
1A Reserved
1B Reserved
1C Reserved
1D Reserved
1F-29 Reserved
30 Get size of base and extended memory
31 Test base and extended memory, Test base memory from 256K to 640K , test extended memory above 1MB
32 Test all on-board super I/O ports
33 Reserved
3A Reserved
3B Reserved
3C Set flag to allow CMOS setup utility
3D Install PS/2 mouse
3E Try to turn on level 2
3F Reserved
40 Reserved
41 Initialize floppy drive controller
42 Initialize hard drive controller
43 Initialize serial & parallel ports (PnP BIOS only)
45 Initialize math coprocessor
46-4D Reserved
4E Show all error messages on screen
4F Ask for password, if needed
50 Write all CMOS values located in the BIOS stack back to CMOS
51 Reserved
52 Initialize all ISA ROM's; PCI initializations (PCI BIOS only), PnP initialization (PnP BIOS Only), setup shadow RAM, initialize power management
53 If not PnP BIOS, initialize ports; Initialize time in BIOS data area
54-5F Reserved
60 Setup virus protection for the boot sector
61 Try to turn on level 2 cache
62 program numlock & typematic speed
63 Boot system via Int 19h
B0 Unexpected interrupt in protected mode
B1 Unclaimed NMI occurred
BE Program defaults into chipset
BF Program remaining chipset values
C0 Init. all standard devices with defaults
C1 Auto detect on-board DRAM & cache
C3 Test first 26K DRAM
C5 Copy ROM BIOS to E000-FFFF
FF System booting

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AWARD Elite (Version 4.51PG) BIOS:

01 Processor test; Processor status verification
02 Processor test 2; Read/Write and verify all CPU registers
03 Initialize chips; Disable NMI, PIE, AIE, UEI, SQWV.  Disable video, parity checking, DMA.  Reset math coprocessor.  Clear all page registers and CMOS shutdown.  Initialize DMA controller 0 and 1.  Initialize interrupt controllers 0 and 1.
04 Test memory refresh toggle
05 Blank video, initialize keyboard; Keyboard controller initialization
07 Test CMOS interface and battery
08 Set up low memory; Early chipset initialization, memory presence test, OEM chipset routines, clear low 64K memory, test first 64K memory
09 Early cache initialization; Cyrix CPU specific, CPU and cache initialization
0A Set up interrupt vector table; Initialize first 120 interrupt vectors
0B Test CMOS RAM checksum
0C Initialize keyboard; Detect the type of keyboard controller
0D Initialize video interface; Detect CPU clock, read CMOS location 14h to find the type of video in use, detect and initialize video adapter
0E Test video memory; Write sign-on message to screen, setup shadow RAM
0F Test DMA controller 0; BIOS checksum test, keyboard detect and initialization
10 Test DMA controller 1
11 Test DMA page registers
12-13 Reserved
14 Test timer counter 2
15 Test 8259-1 mask bits
16 Test 8259-2 mask bits
17 Test stuck 8259 interrupt bits; Test stuck key
18 Test 8259 interrupt functionality
19 Test stuck NMI bits (parity I/O check)
1A Benchmark; Display CPU clock
1B-1E Reserved
1F Set EISA mode; If the EISA memory checksum is good then EISA is initialized.  If it's not good then ISA tests and clear EISA mode flag
20 Enable slot 0; System board
21-2F Enable slots 1-15
30 Size base and extended memory; Size the base memory from 256K to 640K and the extended memory above 1MB
31 Test base and extended memory; Test the base memory from 256K to 640K and the extended memory above 1MB using various bit patterns
32 Test EISA extended memory
33-3B Reserved
3C Setup enabled
3D Initialize and install mouse if present
3E Setup cache controller
40 Display virus protect disable or enable
41 Initialize floppy
42 Initialize hard drive
43 Detect & Init. serial & parallel ports
44 Reserved
45 Detect and Init. math coprocessor
46 Reserved
47 Reserved
48-4D Reserved
4E Mfg. POST loop, or display messages
4F Security password
50 Write CMOS; Write CMOS back to RAM and clear screen
51 Pre-boot enable; Enable parity checking, enable NMI, enable cache before boot
52 Initialize option ROM's; Initialize and ROM's present at locations C800h to EFFFFh
53 Initialize time value
60 Setup virus protect
61 Set boot speed
62 Setup numlock
63 Boot attempt
B0 Spurious
B1 Unclaimed NMI
BE Chipset default initialization; Program chipset registers and power-on BIOS defaults.
BF Chipset initialization; Reserved
C0 Turn off chipset cache
C1 Memory presence test; OEM specific, test the size of on-board memory
C5 Early shadow; OEM specific, early shadow enable for fast boot
C6 Cache presence test; External cache-size detection test
E1-EF Setup pages
FF Boot loader

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AWARD Version 6.0 (i810):

CFh Test CMOS read/write functionality
C0h Early chipset initialization:   Disable shadow RAM, L2 cache (socket 7 and below), program basic chipset registers
C1h Detect memory:  Auto detection of DRAM size, type and ECC, auto detection of L2 cache (socket 7 and below)
C3h Expand compressed BIOS code to DRAM
C5h Call chipset hook to copy BIOS back to E000 & F000 shadow RAM
01h Expand the Xgroup codes located in physical memory address 1000:0
02h Reserved
03h Initial Superio_Early_Init switch
04h Reserved
05h Blank out screen; Clear CMOS error flag
06h Reserved
07h Clear 8042 interface; Initialize 8042 self test
08h Test special keyboard controller for Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips; Enable keyboard interface
09h Reserved
0Ah Disable PS/2 mouse interface (optional); Auto detect ports for keyboard & mouse followed by a port & interface swap (optional); Reset keyboard for Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips
0Bh Reserved
0Ch Reserved
0Dh Reserved
0Eh Test F000h segment shadow to see whether it is read/write capable or not.  If test fails, keep beeping the speaker
0Fh Reserved
10h Auto detect flash type to load appropriate flash read/write codes into the run time area in F000 for ESCD & DMI support
11h Reserved
12h Use walking 1's algorithm to check out interface in CMOS circuitry.  Also set real time clock power status and then check for overrride
13h Reserved
14h Program chipset default values into chipset.  Chipset default values are MODBINable by OEM customers
15h Reserved
16h Initial Early_Init_Onboard_Generator switch
17h Reserved
18h Detect CPU information including brand, SMI type (Cyrix or Intel) and CPU level (586 or 686)
19h Reserved
1Ah Reserved
1Bh Initial interrupts vector table.   If no special specified, all H/W interrupts are directed to SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR & S/W interrupts to SPURIOUS_soft_HDLR
1Ch Reserved
1Dh Initial EARLY_PM_INIT switch
1Eh Reserved
1Fh Load keyboard matrix (notebook platform)
20h Reserved
21h HPM initialization (notebook platform)
22h Reserved
23h Check validity of RTC value; Load CMOS settings into BIOS stack.  If CMOS checksum fails, use default value instead; Prepare BIOS resource map for PCI & PnP use.  If ESCD is valid, take into consideration of the ESCD's legacy information; Onboard clock generator initialization.  Disable respective clock resource to empty PCI & DIMM slots; Early PCI initialization - Enumerate PCI bus number, assign memory & I/O resource, search for a valid VGA device & VGA BIOS, and put it into C000:0
24h Reserved
25h Reserved
26h Reserved
27h Initialize INT 09 buffer
28h Reserved
29h Program CPU internal MTRR (P6 & PII) for 0-640K memory address; Initialize the APIC for Pentium class CPU; Program early chipset according to CMOS setup; Measure CPU speed; Invoke video BIOS
2Ah Reserved
2Bh Reserved
2Ch Reserved
2Dh Initialize multilanguage; Put information on screen display, including Award title, CPU type, CPU speed, etc...
2Eh Reserved
2Fh Reserved
30h Reserved
31h Reserved
32h Reserved
33h Reset keyboard except Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips
34h Reserved
35h Reserved
36h Reserved
37h Reserved
38h Reserved
39h Reserved
3Ah Reserved
3Bh Reserved
3Ch Test 8254
3Dh Reserved
3Eh Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 1
3Fh Reserved
40h Test 9259 interrupt mask bits for channel 2
41h Reserved
42h Reserved
43h Test 8259 functionality
44h Reserved
45h Reserved
46h Reserved
47h Initialize EISA slot
48h Reserved
49h Calculate total memory by testing the last double last word of each 64K page; Program writes allocation for AMD K5 CPU
4Ah Reserved
4Bh Reserved
4Ch Reserved
4Dh Reserved
4Eh Program MTRR of M1 CPU; initialize L2 cache for P6 class CPU & program cacheable range; Initialize the APIC for P6 class CPU; On MP platform, adjust the cacheable range to smaller one in case the cacheable ranges between each CPU are not identical
4Fh reserved
50h Initialize USB
51h Reserved
52h Test all memory (clear all extended memory to 0)
53h Reserved
54h Reserved
55h Display number of processors (multi-processor platform)
56h Reserved
57h Display PnP logo; Early ISA PnP initialization and assign CSN to every ISA PnP device
58h Reserved
59h Initialize the combined Trend Anti-Virus code
5Ah Reserved
5Bh Show message for entering AWDFLASH.EXE from FDD (optional feature)
5Ch Reserved
5Dh Initialize Init_Onboard_Super_IO switch; Initialize Init_Onboard_AUDIO switch
5Eh Reserved
5Fh Reserved
60h Okay to enter Setup utility
61h Reserved
62h Reserved
63h Reserved
64h Reserved
65h Initialize PS/2 mouse
66h Reserved
67h Prepare memory size information for function call: INT 15h ax=E820h
68h Reserved
69h Turn on L2 cache
6Ah Reserved
6Bh Program chipset registers according to items described in Setup & Auto-Configuration table
6Ch Reserved
6Dh Assign resources to all ISA PnP devices; Auto assign ports to onboard COM ports if the corresponding item in Setup is set to "AUTO"
6Eh Reserved
6Fh Initialize floppy controller; Setup floppy related fields in 40:hardware
70h Reserved
71h Reserved
72h Reserved
73h Enter AWDFLASH.EXE if: AWDFLASH.EXE is found in floppy dive and ALT+F2 is pressed
74h Reserved
75h Detect and install all IDE devices: HDD, LS120, ZIP, CDROM...
76h Reserved
77h Detect serial ports and parallel ports
78h Reserved
79h Reserved
7Ah Detect and install coprocessor
7Bh Reserved
7Ch Reserved
7Dh Reserved
7Eh Reserved
7Fh Switch back to text mode if full screen logo is supported: if errors occur, report errors & wait for keys, if no errors occur or F1 key is pressed continue - Clear EPA or customization logo
80h Reserved
81h Reserved
82H Call chipset power management hook: Recover the text fond used by EPA logo (not for full screen logo), If password is set, ask for password
83H Save all data in stack back to CMOS
84h Initialize ISA PnP boot devices
85h Final USB initialization; NET PC: Build SYSID structure; Switch screen back to text mode; Set up ACPI table at top of memory; Invoke ISA adapter ROM's; Assign IRQ's to PCI devices; Initialize APM; Clear noise of IRQ's
86h Reserved
87h Reserved
88h Reserved
89h Reserved
90h Reserved
91h Reserved
92h Reserved
93h Read HDD boot sector information for Trend Anti-Virus code
94h Enable L2 cache; Program boot up speed; Chipset final initialization; Power management final initialization; Clear screen and display summary table; Program K^ write allocation; Program P6 class write combining
95h Program daylight saving; Update keyboard LED and typematic rate
96h Build MP table; Build and update ESCD; Set CMOS century to 20h or 19h; Load CMOS time into DOS timer tick; Build MSIRQ routing table
FFh Boot attempt (INT 19h)

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All information has been gathered with permission of the respective BIOS providers. Although Bios Central has used reasonable effort to ensure accuracy we are unable to verify all codes posted. Use at your own risk. Bios Central, or any person associated with Bios Central takes no responsibility for any dmage resulting from the use of this information.

posted on 2006-10-24 13:22 yuhen 阅读(3213) 评论(5)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 技术文档

# re: Award BIOS post codes
2006-10-26 16:33 | 戴尔网站
天,一个中文没有,翻译一下。  回复  更多评论
# re: Award BIOS post codes
2006-10-27 09:40 | yuhen
其实英文理解的会更准确,而且仅仅把它当做一个手册,表格来查询吧!  回复  更多评论
# re: Award BIOS post codes
2007-06-08 09:43 | yongqing
呵呵,不错,学习下  回复  更多评论

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