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a.  想不起什么时候 看过这么一句话
    很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情 就在我们念念不忘的日子里 被我们遗忘了
    华丽的伤感 犹如现在的心情
    淡淡的相思 浓浓的夜色
    脸上的快乐 别人看得到 但心里的痛又有谁能感觉到
    此时 我才意识到 我对你 是如此的过份
    与你分享 和她一起快乐的事
    与你承受 和她一起悲伤的事
    原谅我 好么 也许 我本就是个自私的人

b.  习惯了有你的日子 
     你说我有人要了 其实你不懂
     我说 我已经老了 已经过了那个只要是喜欢就可以相爱的年龄
     而你 也不能来到我的城市
     所以不在你身边的我 如何跨过山 越过海 照顾你呢

c.    呵呵 还是习惯用你的方式 
      拉开窗帘 窗外的雨依旧没有停

      淋过雨的空气 疲倦了的伤心 却依旧没有丝毫睡意 好吧 就让我再一次的放纵
      泡一杯咖啡 握到它凉了 才知道我又想起了你 
      人生最遗憾的 莫过于 轻易地放弃了本该坚持的 固执地坚持着本该放弃的
      我已经有过了遗憾 所以我不想你会遗憾

d.   我一直都在
      好想一直守候在你身边 听你对我的诉说 直到那么一天 你的温柔不能再分给我
      当这一切都已成回忆 我所能做的只是不让一切被忘记 深埋 在你找不到的地方
      岁月就像一条河 左岸是无法忘却的回忆 右岸是值得把握的青春年华 中间飞快流淌的是那年轻的感伤
      世间有很多美好的东西 但真正属于自己的却不多
      看庭前花开花落 荣辱不惊 望天上云卷云舒 去留无意

不管你做什么决定 我都支持你 不过我可以提意见的嘛 对不 
嘿嘿 恩 不会忘记给你写信的                                                                            

Bless U 

Colin in Xiamen University

posted @ 2009-02-20 02:32 Colin_Huang 阅读(169) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

a。 踏上回学校的旅途,家,渐行渐远。 原来,不知觉又是一月,我总是贪恋在家的时光。

b。 还是好朋友比爱人长久

c。 往事如昨

d。             .*★*.
    .*★ *.*    ★
    ★       *
    ★           .’
    ‘*.     .
           `  .  . 

f。 没有谁离不开谁

g。 应你要求 嗯 对的                              So Miss U

posted @ 2009-02-17 20:38 Colin_Huang 阅读(164) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-10-20 23:51 Colin_Huang 阅读(124) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Dear Princess Entin,


posted @ 2008-10-03 19:39 Colin_Huang 阅读(178) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

i am so upset
my future is unsure
i can't catch it
how should i do
these days
i have applyed the KPMG China,HSBC,Inbev .... etc
don't have any ambition
i am a common man
i am nobody

tomorrow is better

hold the every chance

Colin you can,u can make it,pls believe yourself

improve your english skill

sorry,my english is so poor.

i must try my best

em,change myself tomorrw

posted @ 2008-09-26 23:42 Colin_Huang 阅读(84) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Your voice is the only melody that could comfort me

Forgive me

So sorry

I like you so

posted @ 2008-09-22 23:59 Colin_Huang 阅读(85) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

A:today,we have a meeting about election at expiration of our team
they have discussed it yesterday
but i didn't attend
so they have the supper on my owe 
oh,i am a pauper
B:(to entin)
Dear entin,
        beg your pardon for my deeds.could you forgive me?
        but i am a malapert man,ha-ha,you must not forget your promise.
        entin,you are a important and unusual gril in my mind,like you know.
        i do not want to hurt you at all.
        'whatever happen,i like you....i like you much'
        how want to tell you,tell you who is in my heart...
        but i cann't
        because i am a man
        'a man has his responsibility',my father told me.
        but i think
        your fate is coming
        please wait for it patiently
        wish you
        bless you

i like you more than i can say
when i think you,the miles between us disappear
you are in my thoughts every day and in my dream every night
but we are just friends
it's joy to meet you,you are really a joy to know
wish the nicest things always for you
hope the happiness around you today and always
the memory with you grows more precious by time going

let bygones be bygones
you are you
i am me

how want to be with you
impossible. impossible. impossible. impossible. impossible. impossible. impossible.

                                                                                                 ----------Colin in mad mood

posted @ 2008-09-21 23:12 Colin_Huang 阅读(101) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

please remember me wherever you go
keep me in your mind
the time we spent together is in my heart forever
what's coming is unsure
but believe yourself
how miss you
how want to see you
in my dream
i stand by you with staring at you
just a dream
could you give me a chance to see you again
like you...

say good night

U and Me
                                                                                to somebody?

posted @ 2008-09-19 00:15 Colin_Huang 阅读(103) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

as your voices on the phone
all time in SHA we spend toghter is in my mind
having met you that's fortunate to me
pray you happy everyday really
although sunshine in the rain
it's sunshine,isnot it
like you told me
believe yourself...
do not be under the weather
please take care yourself well
when i am not present
you can come at Oct.1
fine with me
and you
'sunshine in the rain' is a song of BWO
the singing is so romantic and depression
you can listen it by yourself

Smile as shining and dim the all world...

For luck,for ever...

                                                                                                                                       ----------Colin in XMU

posted @ 2008-09-17 19:59 Colin_Huang 阅读(192) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

maybe,you've forgotten me

you let me down,do you know?----------------------------

posted @ 2008-09-16 09:22 Colin_Huang 阅读(147) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

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