

. 通道、设备配置成固定  ?不能variable  or function ??
. Tx时间可配置
.  Link confirm ( link_comfirm_never , link_comfirm_sometimes,link_comfirm_always )
   somtimes confirm means  only on mutiframe fragments .
.  link_comfirm_timeout
.  link_max_retries
.  brm  ( build request message )
.  cold restart  delay
.  warm restart delay
.  application layer respond messages  RESP_FRAMENT_SIZE 2048
.  NEED_TIME_INTERVAL need time IIN bit ( 用来要求主站对时)
.  if  the device will not support  report by exception or this is no reason the device
   synchronized with the master ( 没有带时间的邮标数据 )  
.  the number of  binary  input change events that can be saved (queued) between event reports.
   the number may be less than the number of static points ( 01 points ), on the other  hand
   可能一点产生多个事件。may be a single point to generate multiple events
.  analog input  change events buffer size
.  min number of event  in each class to generate an 主动上报( 包含class1 class 2 class 3 )
.  unsolicited reponses: fuction code 0x14 0x15
.  unsolicited reponse : 0  最小累计 如上点 1: 产生立即发送 send event immediately when they occur
                                     >=2  send events after either  this amount of time has accumulated or 如 0值