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转载 Naming Conventions for Traits

(Jin Qing’s Column, Jan., 2024)From: https://github.com/rust-lang/api-guidelines/discussions/28If the trait has a single self-explanatory method (or a set of nearly identical methods), name it after the method: Clone, Hash, Default, Into, Write, ToOwned, A

2024-01-17 08:59:48 76

原创 Using anyhow::ensure!()

【代码】Using anyhow::ensure!()

2023-12-13 09:03:16 129

原创 Snapshot test with insta

【代码】Snapshot test with insta。

2023-12-02 15:12:34 143

原创 Tensorboard‘s sample_per_plugin

【代码】Tensorboard‘s sample_per_plugin。

2023-06-21 12:01:08 380

原创 Rust generic type parameter and `impl Trait` parameter

(Jin Qing’s Column, Jun., 2023)See: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/impl-trait.htmlGeneric type parameter and parameter are almost equivalent: is just a syntactic sugar for generic type parameter.It is a little simpler by omitting the generic

2023-06-20 20:04:18 1076

原创 Unity WebGL Calls Rust Wasm

【代码】Unity WebGL Calls Rust Wasm。

2023-05-16 09:11:14 529

原创 Compile Unity jslib in command

【代码】Compile Unity jslib in command。

2023-05-15 11:20:48 126

原创 Fix navmesh countour

【代码】Fix navmesh countour。

2023-01-01 10:28:46 636 1

原创 How are dtLinks created in NavMesh

(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov., 2022) defines a link between 2 polygons.It is an internal data structure.A is owned by its source polygon.The links are used in , to searchall the neighbor polygons, from the current best polygon. has 2 required fields:If the l

2022-11-18 09:59:42 209

转载 C++ parameter passing rules

From: https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/c-core-guidelines-how-to-pass-function-parametersParameter passing expression rules:

2022-10-29 10:59:02 125

原创 Implementation of user data in cursive::Cursive

【代码】Implementation of user data in cursive::Cursive。

2022-10-02 16:23:19 125

转载 Naming Conventions for Accessors

【代码】Naming Conventions for Accessors。

2022-09-22 15:53:06 73

原创 Rust sometimes needs manual type annotation

Rust sometimes needs manual type annotation(Jin Qing’s Column, Apr., 2022)This code compiles error:trait MyCallback: FnMut(&u32) -> () { }impl<F: FnMut(&u32) -> ()> MyCallback for F { }fn process_data(mut f: impl MyCallback) -&gt

2022-04-29 10:09:27 176

原创 Fix recastnavigation contour error

Fix recastnavigation contour error(Jin Qing’s Column, Apr., 2022)Using navmesh generated by recastnavigation,we found the agent will collide into the wallwhen it is walking along the navmesh path.After some inspection, we found the reason is that at t

2022-04-28 13:13:30 338

原创 TortoiseGit is OK but GitExtensions fails

TortoiseGit is OK but GitExtensions failsGitExtensions and Git fail:"git" pull --progress "origin"[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the r

2022-04-24 13:50:21 1020

原创 How to work around rustup-init failure

How to work around rustup-init failure(Jin Qing’s Column, Mar., 2022)rustup-init.exe may fail if some anti-virus software is running with realtime protection.The error message is like this after many retries:error: could not rename component file from

2022-03-23 20:05:08 711

原创 Closure as the function parameter

Closure as the function parameter(Jin Qing’s Column, Mar., 2022)It is best to let the function take a closure trait as the parameter instead of function pointer.fn foo(f: fn()) { f()}fn main() { foo(|| println!("hello")); let a = 123;

2022-03-18 15:57:15 577

原创 deadlock detection must not run as tokio task

deadlock detection must not run as tokio taskparking_lot has an experimental feature: deadlock_detection.See: https://amanieu.github.io/parking_lot/parking_lot/deadlock/index.htmluse std::thread;use std::time::Duration;use parking_lot::deadlock;// C

2022-02-12 11:43:33 498

原创 Tracing usage

Tracing usage(Jin Qing’s Column, Jan., 2022)Tracing is Rust log crate: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracingThis example code output log to stdcout and file, using a log filter file,which can automatically reload on change.https://gitee.com/jinq0123/tra

2022-01-02 12:30:07 659

原创 Try tracing

Try tracing(Jin Qing’s Column, Dec., 2021)https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracingUsage on githubSwitch to tag tracing-0.1.29 first. The master’s examples can not build.Subscriber is renaming to collector on master.tracing::subscriber in 0.1.29 has been r

2022-01-01 20:13:58 499

转载 Box<dyn Trait> doesn‘t implement the trait

Box doesn’t implement the traitFrom: https://bennetthardwick.com/dont-use-boxed-trait-objects-for-struct-internals/By default a Box doesn’t implement the trait of the object it contains. This means that trying to construct PeopleZoo<Box> won’t work

2021-12-21 15:05:16 279

原创 minikube DNS fails after SRV query

minikube DNS fails after SRV query(Jin Qing’s Column, Dec., 2021)My program is using K8s DNS SRV query to discovery service,and when it’s deployed on minikube, I find DNS failure.I can use nslookup to reproduce the failure.Querying a FQDN is OK. But a

2021-12-10 10:42:19 212 2

原创 DeathVoteExpirationTimeout in Orleans

DeathVoteExpirationTimeout in Orleans(Jin Qing’s Column, Dec., 2021)Try to find out why Orleans need a DeathVoteExpirationTimeout config.https://dotnet.github.io/orleans/docs/implementation/cluster_management.html#extension-to-totally-order-membership-v

2021-12-08 09:41:07 137

原创 How to delete local branches of GitExtension

How to delete local branches of GitExtension(Jin Qing’s Column, Dec., 2021)GitExtension is a good tool. After a long time of usage, my branch list finally reaches over a full screen, and it is hard to select the branch I want.GitExtension always remembe

2021-12-07 17:01:30 346 1

原创 建议日志 slog 改换 tracing

建议日志 slog 改换 tracing(金庆的专栏 2021.11)slog 不是立即写盘,最后的几行日志会丢失tracing 不会丢日志slog 不支持运行中动态更改日志等级tracing with_filter_reloading()examples/tower-loadslog 不支持不同包设置不同日志等级tracing 可单独打开某个模块的日志发现一次 slog panic: panicked at 'slog::Fuse Drain: Fatal(Cu

2021-11-24 18:14:14 412

原创 Named parameters in Rust

Named parameters in Rust(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov. 18, 2021)There is no “named function parameters” in Rust,but there is an idiom for this case.If a function needs many parameters, we can define a typewith all these parameters as fields, and implement D

2021-11-18 13:12:42 218

原创 Rust traits act as generic constraints

Rust traits act as generic constraints(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov. 18, 2021)Rust traits are different from interfaces of C++/Java/Go.See: https://stevedonovan.github.io/rustifications/2018/09/08/common-rust-traits.htmlRust traits are mechanism for adding b

2021-11-18 12:47:21 490

原创 GLIBC_2.29 not found

GLIBC_2.29 not found(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov. 4, 2021)My Rust program failed when running in docker:root@a26b49c91efb:/myapp# ldd libmyapp_py.so./libmyapp_py.so: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./libmyapp_py.

2021-11-05 09:26:04 6185

原创 Clustering provider in Orleans

Clustering provider in Orleans(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov. 3, 2021)When deployed to a cluster of nodes,Orleans internally implements a protocol to manage it’s silos,including discovery, failure and reconfigure,which is called cluster membership management

2021-11-03 13:30:18 918

原创 Why Orleans‘ actor is virutal

Why Orleans’ actor is virutal(Jin Qing’s Column, Nov. 2, 2021)Virtual Actor is a concept invented by Microsoft Orleans, which is a framework of distributed actor.Orleans: Distributed Virtual Actors for Programmability and Scalability describes the virtu

2021-11-02 15:21:37 132

原创 What comes after microservice?

What comes after microservice?(Jin Qing’s Column, Oct. 25, 2021)Reading “The Evolution of Distributed Systems on Kubernetes” from Bilgin Ibryam.https://www.infoq.com/articles/distributed-systems-kubernetes/What are the purpose of projects like Dapr, Is

2021-10-29 11:14:00 124

原创 Display Non-UTF-8 output

Display Non-UTF-8 output(Jin Qing’s Column, Oct. 27, 2021)Cargo build output Non-UTF-8. Use python to decode it as gbk and print.C:\Users\jinqing01>python>>> s = b'Non-UTF-8 output: \xd5\xfd\xd4\xda\xb4\xb4\xbd\xa8\xbf\xe2 E:\\gitlab\\myp

2021-10-27 12:16:32 484

转载 Advice for Rust library writers about Error

Advice for library writersFrom: https://blog.burntsushi.net/rust-error-handling/Idioms for Rust libraries are still forming, but if your library needs to report custom errors, then you should probably define your own error type. It’s up to you whether or

2021-09-02 11:23:05 118

原创 How to show the first few errors of rustc

How to show the first few errors of rustc(Jin Qing’s Column, Sep. 1, 2021)When using VS Code to develop Rust, “cargo check” output maybe thousands of lines.Use “cargo check --color=always 2>&1 | head -n100” to limit the output.Change powershell

2021-09-01 10:53:35 107

转载 &‘a mut self is restrictive

&'a mut self is restrictiveFrom https://github.com/pretzelhammer/rust-blog/blob/master/posts/common-rust-lifetime-misconceptions.md#5-if-it-compiles-then-my-lifetime-annotations-are-correct#[derive(Debug)]struct NumRef<'a>(&'a i32);impl&

2021-08-25 13:30:37 132

原创 Rust callback idiom

Rust callback idiomCode is from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41081240/idiomatic-callbacks-in-rustandhttps://morestina.net/blog/793/closure-lifetimes-in-ruststruct Processor<'a> { callback: Box<dyn FnMut() + 'a>,}impl<'a&gt

2021-08-24 10:18:02 249

转载 Rust variable rebinding for closure

Rust variable rebinding for closureFrom: https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/idioms/pass-var-to-closure.htmlRust closure captures variables by reference by default.You can use “move” keyword to change to move variables.In most cases, some variab

2021-08-22 17:28:45 119

转载 Rust Deref coercion example

Rust Deref coercion examplehttps://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.htmluse std::ops::Deref;struct DerefExample<T> { value: T}impl<T> Deref for DerefExample<T> { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Sel

2021-08-22 12:32:36 127

转载 Rust Error Return Check Policy

Rust Error Return Check PolicyFrom: https://www.ockam.io/learn/how-to-guides/contributing/ockam_rust_code_standardNever use unwrap on Result. If the type is Err, it will panic and crash the program. The only exception is if it has already been checked f

2021-08-09 17:06:42 108

转载 Rust visibility

Rust visibility: pub(in path), pub(crate), pub(super), and pub(self)From: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/visibility-and-privacy.htmlIn addition to public and private, Rust allows users to declare an item as visible only within a given scope. The rul

2021-08-09 13:43:02 163

test.obj navmesh input



grpc-lua 代码及示例Windows执行程序

Lua gRPC (https://github.com/jinq0123/grpc-lua) 编译成功后的示例Windows可执行程序。请执行 examples/helloworld/run_*.bat.


grpc-lua 示例 CentOS 7.4 执行程序打包

https://github.com/jinq0123/grpc-lua 是 Lua gRPC 库。 https://github.com/jinq0123/grpc-lua/issues/4 macos,ubuntu,centos都不能编译成功 能不能把编译好的.so上传一份啊 该zip包是按README编译生成并实测通过的示例程序打包。



来自 https://studygolang.com/dl 推荐下载 Microsoft Windows Windows XP SP2 or later, Intel 64-bit 处理器 go1.9.2.windows-amd64.msi (90MB) go1.9.2.windows-amd64.msi Installer Windows x86-64 90MB daeb761aa6fdb22dc3954fd911963b347c44aa5c6ba974b9c01be7cbbd6922ba λ certutil -hashfile go1.9.2.windows-amd64.msi SHA256 SHA256 哈希(文件 go1.9.2.windows-amd64.msi): da eb 76 1a a6 fd b2 2d c3 95 4f d9 11 96 3b 34 7c 44 aa 5c 6b a9 74 b9 c0 1b e7 cb bd 69 22 ba CertUtil: -hashfile 命令成功完成。


LuaPbIntf VS2015工程带依赖库

支持 proto3 的 lua 绑定库 LuaPbIntf, 完整的工程文件. http://blog.csdn.net/jq0123/article/details/70701120









http://blog.csdn.net/jq0123/article/details/52921845 《XMPP高级编程-使用JavaScript和jQuery》一书中第4章写的一个调试控制台,可以用来发送xml节,并显示接收到的xml节。



gloox 1.0.17 doxygen 生成文档。 gloox API Documentation。 https://camaya.net/api/gloox-1.0.17/


gloox 1.0.17 released

https://camaya.net/gloox/ gloox is a rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library, written in clean ANSI C++. It makes writing spec-compliant clients easy and allows for hassle-free integration of Jabber/XMPP functionality into existing applications. gloox is released under the GNU GPLv3. Commercial licensing and support are available.



代码说明见: RPCZ中的智能指针单例 http://blog.csdn.net/jq0123/article/details/44023961



跨服与跨区的设计 PPT 上海C++游戏服务器群 2014.11.9 沙龙讲义。 自我介绍 -------- 巨人网络 万王之王3 冒牌天神 ZTJ 金庆的专栏 跨区的概念 跨区的作用?人气 互动 单区限时开放,跨区全天开放。 设计理念 多服架构 各服作用 各个连接的作用 登录流程? 跨服流程 多区架构 分布式Xs服 跨区流程 实际上是扩展的跨服请求 跨区流程设计 跨区重连 客户端重登设计 登录转区 禁止双登 角色数据转移 潜在问题



详见: 金庆的专栏 - windows media format SDK 切割wmv/wma文件 http://blog.csdn.net/jq0123/article/details/1538545 这个例子实现了输入一个时间范围参数进行wmv切割的功能,是从A秒到B秒的切割。 完整VC工程文件。



Boost.Python文档中文翻译。译者:金庆,2008.6.16。请关注:Boost文档翻译项目 ( http://groups.google.com/group/boost_doc_translation?hl=zh-CN )欢迎访问:金庆的专栏 ( http://blog.csdn.net/jq0123 )






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